The Evangelism Committee has decided to participate in raising donations for a food drive this year. Goodman Community Center, a local organization, holds a Thanksgiving Basket Food Drive Event each year to create 4,000 Thanksgiving meals for Dane County residents in need. More information on the event is in the attached PDF. The quick details that relate to us are to view the list of food items needed in the image below. If you are so moved, go out and purchase some of the food items and bring them to church. We will have a dedicated spot in the fellowship hall where our donated items will be gathered. The deadline for receiving donations is November 19th. At this time we will take any items that have been donated and drop them off at the Goodman Community Center.
This season is a great time to remember how many blessings we have received from God, as individual members and as a whole church body. It is also important to remember that this season can be a hard time for those who are struggling and in need. It’s a great opportunity for us to share our blessings – and through that God’s Love – to make a direct impact on our community.
If you have any questions about this initiative, please reach out! Thanks in advance for your help!
In Christ,
Tim Schaser – Evangelism Committee Chairman